Yoga in Anfo am Idrosee
Beginne deinen Tag mit Atemübungen und erwecke deinen Körper mit klassischen Hatha-Yoga oder einem sanften Flow im Vinyasa-Stil auf unserem schönen und schattigem Grundstück am Strand von Anfo. In unserem → Stundenplan findest du die aktuellen Kurse.Outdoor-Yoga senkt dein Stresslevel, durch frische Luft in Kombination mit den Atem- und Körperübungen wird der Stoffwechsel angeregt. Körper und Geist und Seele kommen wieder in Balance.
- Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene
- Unterricht in Deutsch oder Englisch
- Yogamatten und Blocks von Super.Natural inkludiert
- Privatstunden gegen Voranmeldung möglich
Yoga ad Anfo al lago
Settimanalmente più volte al mattino o alla sera puoi partecipare a corsi di yoga oranizzati da un istruttore di yoga certificato. Gli esercizi sono adatti anche per i principianti. Le lezioni private sono possibili su richiesta.Puoi portare il tuo tappetino yoga o usare uno dei nostri.
Yoga in Anfo bij het meer
Meerdere keren per week kunt u deelnemen aan yogalessen georganiseerd door een gecertificeerde yoga-instructeur. De oefeningen zijn ook geschikt voor beginners en duren 60–70 minuten. Privélessen zijn op aanvraag mogelijk.U kunt uw eigen yogamat meenemen of een van ons gebruiken.
Yoga in Anfo at the lake
Several times a week in the morning and occasionally in the evening we offer classic Hatha Yoga in nature and with a view of the lake. On our → timetable you find recent classes.Outdoor yoga lowers your stress level, the metabolism is stimulated by the fresh air in combination with the breathwork and physical exercises. Body, mind and soul come back into balance.
- beginners and advanced
- classes in English or German
- yoga mats and blocks from Super.Natural included
- private lessons possible by prior arrangement
Yoga Classes and Workshops
Classic Hatha Yoga Tuesday08
SUP Tour & Yoga Thursday10
Slow Flow Yoga Friday11
Kids Yoga (3‑10) Monday14
Classic Hatha Yoga Tuesday15
SUP Tour & Yoga Thursday17
Slow Flow Yoga Friday18
Kids Yoga (3‑10) Monday21
Classic Hatha Yoga Tuesday22
SUP Tour & Yoga Thursday24
Slow Flow Yoga Friday25
Kids Yoga (3‑10) Monday28
Classic Hatha Yoga Tuesday29
SUP Tour & Yoga Thursday31
Slow Flow Yoga
Kids Yoga (3‑10) Monday04
AUG Tuesday05
AUG Thursday07
AUG Friday08
AUG Monday11
AUG Tuesday12
AUG Thursday15
AUG Friday16
AUG Monday18
AUG Tuesday19
AUG Thursday21
AUG Friday22
AUG Monday25
AUG Tuesday26
AUG Thursday28
AUG Friday29
SEP Tuesday02
SEP Thursday04
SEP Monday08
SEP → meeting point: Surfpoint Anfo
Classic Hatha Yogaempowering & relaxing: basic class with stretching and grounding elements and meditative breathwork |
SUP-Tour & Yogaadventurous & nourishing: short SUP tour (~20 min) across the lake and Hatha Yoga and breathwork in small group on a hidden lonesome and shaded beach (limited participants) |
Slow Flowenergizing & dynamic: more active workout to start fresh into the day, Vinyasa Flow-Style Yoga with movement, stretching and breathwork elements |
Kids Yogaplayful & creative: child-friendly (kids 4–10 years) way to discover the world of the asanas, exploring the beautiful surroundings of the lake and having fun together |
Yoga teacher Lisa Posch
Yoga teacher Lisa Posch has many years of yoga practice and has completed further trainings in classic Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Flow Yoga in Europe, Thailand and Bali. Further training experience:
In addition to the physical aspects of yoga (asana), Lisa puts the focus of her teaching on pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation and yoga philosophy as well as the holistic view of the human being with all facets.
- 2016: 500h yoga teacher training in the style of Anusara® Yoga at the Ananya Yoga Studio Vienna
- 2022–24: Training as a process facilitator (group leadership, systematic constellation, tantric body work)
- 2023–24: Children's yoga training at Yogawege Vienna
- 2023–24: Training Restorative Breathing© Breathwork Coach (ongoing)
In addition to the physical aspects of yoga (asana), Lisa puts the focus of her teaching on pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation and yoga philosophy as well as the holistic view of the human being with all facets.